I'm Sumit Ghosh
Hi there, Myself Sumit Ghosh. I am an undergraduate student of IIT (BHU), Varanasi
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About Me
Hello, I am Sumit Ghosh, a highly motivated and dedicated third-year engineering student pursuing my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering at one of India's esteemed institutions, IIT BHU
I possess a profound passion for software development and a strong desire to understand the inner workings of various applications. Within software development, my primary focus lies in website development. As a result, I have acquired extensive knowledge in multiple programming languages, libraries, and frameworks. While I have successfully executed projects based on the MERN stack, my preferred choice for web development is the React-Django stack. Looking ahead, I aspire to make contributions to the open-source community
Apart from my professional endeavors, I enjoy participating in physical activities like football and long-distance running. Furthermore, I am deeply fascinated by the world of startups and entrepreneurship, which motivates me to pursue future opportunities in this field
My Skills
I have a wide range of web development skills that cover both frontend and backend aspects, along with deployment. This means I can create attractive and user-friendly website designs, implement powerful functionalities behind the scenes, and successfully launch websites or applications
My Projects
I have a variety of web development projects that are open for cloning. These projects are freely available for anyone who wishes to utilize them for their own web development endeavors or as a valuable learning tool.
Agrokart is an online platform connecting farmers, corporate buyers, and rental service providers for selling agricultural products, purchasing goods, and accessing rental services.
It is an e-commerce website developed using Django, a powerful Python-based web framework
The notes-webapp is built using React for the frontend and Django for the backend, creating a reliable platform for managing and organizing your notes
For further projects, you can also refer to Github
Contact Us
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+91 844******8
IIT(BHU), Varanasi
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